In a surreal turn of events, the enigmatic founder of the ‘pirate’ IPTV service Gears TV/Reloaded has unveiled a startling revelation during a recent interview: a candid admission of guilt. OMI IN A HELLCAT, known for his unconventional journey from drug dealing to a curious career shift, disclosed that after abandoning narcotics trade, he transitioned to peddling modded Firesticks and his illicit IPTV service. The result? A staggering income of up to $200,000 daily.
One of the most intriguing piracy sagas unfolding today involves none other than popular YouTuber Bill Omar Carrasquillo, known as OMI IN A HELLCAT.
In November 2019, this seemingly affluent founder of the pirate IPTV services Gears TV and Gears Reloaded rocked the internet with a bombshell revelation. He took to YouTube to announce that FBI and IRS agents had raided his premises, seizing virtually all his assets.
Luxury supercars and a staggering $5 million from his bank accounts were among the confiscated items, Carrasquillo claimed. This astonishing declaration was reiterated in multiple YouTube videos and even in a televised interview with CBS News.
While individuals embroiled in copyright and tax evasion cases often maintain a low profile during legal proceedings, Carrasquillo is taking an unconventional approach by openly discussing his troubles and past experiences on a weekly basis. He provides additional insights previously undisclosed to the public.
In a recent interview with YouTube channel ‘Say Cheese TV,’ Carrasquillo delved into his journey, disclosing that his foray into piracy followed a harrowing incident that marked the end of his rumored involvement in drug trafficking.
“I got into this little altercation where I got robbed. That’s the last time I ever sold drugs, on July 4, 2014. And I said ‘you know what, fuck this’, I ain’t never gonna sell drugs again,” he recounted.
Following this pivotal moment, Carrasquillo revealed that he experienced a brief period of depression. However, a revelation struck him a couple of months later, leading him to explore a new avenue for generating income—modded Firesticks.
“Once that Firestick popped in my head I was like, ‘You know what, I was broke before and I sold DVDs’. I gotta find a way to put digital movies onto a stick and that’s how it started. Back when Kodi was poppin’ I was one of the first ones doing Kodi sticks and that’s how I started making a lot of money,” he explained.
Initially investing $10-$15,000 from his savings into the business, Carrasquillo saw exponential growth within months. “Two months later I’m making $15,000, then a month later – three months later, I’m making $30,000 a week, then $40,000 a week, then $100,000 a week,” he recalled.
Within a year, he had achieved millionaire status, later amassing additional wealth through the launch of his pirate IPTV service, Gears TV. Carrasquillo clarified that his earnings stemmed not just from selling the app but also from recurring subscriptions facilitated by resellers.
By Carrasquillo’s own admission, these revelations come amidst ongoing legal battles, raising eyebrows among observers. Nonetheless, he remains undeterred, continuing to generate revenue through his YouTube content, which reportedly rakes in $50,000 per month, with potential for growth.