Anime Tube’s Kickstarter campaign initially generated significant enthusiasm among eager anime fans seeking a free alternative to pirate sites. However, despite raising over $110K in donations, the project is already facing significant challenges. One major backer has withdrawn support, citing licensing issues as a major hurdle. As a result, Anime Tube finds itself on life support, with the future of the project uncertain. In an attempt to mitigate losses, one backer has offered to personally compensate investors for any funds that cannot be recovered. This setback underscores the complexities and challenges involved in navigating licensing agreements within the anime industry.
The surge in popularity of Japanese film and television animation, commonly known as anime, has captivated a growing number of Western audiences in recent years. However, this increased interest has also led to a corresponding rise in traffic to pirate websites, as fans seek to access their favorite anime titles without paying.
Enter Anime Tube, a promising new Kickstarter project that aims to provide a solution to this dilemma by offering a platform for viewing anime content without requiring payment. Interestingly, the project shares its name with a previously popular app that gained traction several years ago due to its provision of access to pirated content. This connection is acknowledged on the Anime Tube Kickstarter page, where three positive reviews of the original app are prominently featured.
The promotional material shared by Anime Tube on Twitter earlier this week featured a cartoon frame created in collaboration with Merryweather Comics. The image aimed to promote the new Anime Tube app as a viable alternative to downloading content from pirate websites, emphasizing the purported risks associated with accessing illegal sites.
Interest was considerable. After Anime Tube posted its Kickstarter, the fund-raising platform elevated it to “Project We Love” status.
Merryweather Comic’s team also made Anime Tube an advert and uploaded it to YouTube, something that helped Anime Tube reach its $50,000 goal in under two hours.
At the time of writing, Anime Tube has accumulated over $111K in pledges on Kickstarter. However, the project is facing significant negative pressure for several reasons.
One issue is the discrepancy between the project’s promises and its actual plans. While Anime Tube claims to offer free anime viewing, it intends to operate on an ad-supported model supplemented by user subscriptions. Moreover, there is a notable lack of clarity regarding the content available on the platform. Anime Tube has not specified which shows it will offer, and subscription rates are contingent on licensing successes that have not been disclosed. This ambiguity raises concerns about whether the funds raised will be sufficient to secure the necessary licenses for a substantial content library.
Additionally, Anime Tube’s inability to confirm supported regions due to licensing constraints leaves contributors uncertain about their ability to use the app.
Critics who raised these issues on social media found themselves blocked by Anime Tube, stifling dissenting voices. The project’s decision to silence criticism further fueled skepticism about its transparency and legitimacy.
The situation escalated when a promotional video created by Merryweather Comics, which initially supported the project, was abruptly made private on YouTube. Merryweather Comics subsequently withdrew its support, indicating growing disillusionment with Anime Tube.
Merryweather Comics expressed regret over its involvement with Anime Tube, acknowledging that it underestimated the project’s ambitious goals and expected external investors to cover costs beyond Kickstarter funds. Merryweather offered to personally compensate backers who donated substantial amounts and were unable to withdraw their pledges before the funding period ended.
Reflecting on the experience, Merryweather emphasized the need for thorough research before supporting future projects and apologized for any oversight.
Meanwhile, Anime Tube’s claims regarding licensing negotiations have come under scrutiny. The project previously listed titles allegedly involved in its licensing discussions, but this raised eyebrows among industry players. Some companies took to Twitter to express surprise at being included in these negotiations and questioned the legitimacy of Anime Tube’s claims.
Where the project will head from here is unclear. However, what the problems above appear to show is that having a cool app is only part of the problem – without content and licensing, providing a legal service is completely impossible.